Water Heater Wheaton IL

Water Heater Wheaton IL

Installation for Your Next Water Heater Wheaton IL – Armbrust Plumbing & Heating Solutions 630-547-7500

Annual maintenance is essential for prolonging the service lifespan your Water Heater Wheaton IL. However, like any major appliance, water heaters eventually wear out. Therefore, it’s helpful for homeowners to know the common signs that it’s time to replace your water heater.

Signs You Need a New Water Heater

-Age of the Unit. Most water heaters tend to last for about eight to ten years. Although ten is a typical age when replacement is advised, the need to do so may be sooner. In any case, it’s wise to plan replacement once it’s ten years beyond its date of manufacture.

Not every type of water heater lasts for ten years. For instance, gas water heaters will generally last about six to eight years. Consequently, if you live at a residence for that length of time, you’ll probably need to replace your gas-powered unit. Take a look at the serial number on your water heater to determine date of manufacture. It’s usually on a sticker found on the top of the tank.

-Rust in the Water or the Heater’s Inlet Valve. Although steel is a very strong material, rust is its weakness. If corrosion starts upon a steel surface it can spread and eat its way through certain areas. On pipes and water tanks manufactured from steel, rust provides a warning sign of leaks. However, it’s difficult to know if rust is coming from the unit or the pipes leading to your faucets. In either case, rust presents a problem that calls for a prompt solution.

Water Heater Wheaton IL Installation – 630-547-7500

If rust appears in water from your household faucets, it’s probably due to rust in your water heater. Rusting is inevitable with water heaters beyond their typical service lifespan. It can happen in any type of water heater. In the event you detect rusting around the inlet valve, there’s probably rust in the tank too. When this is the case, the sole option is replacement. Once rust occurs there’s generally no way to restore a water heater.

-Rusting Pipes. When rust appears in tap water, the problem could be within the pipes. If your system has galvanized pipes, rust can develop inside them as they age. The problem may advance to the point that rust appears in tubs and sinks.

To tell if rust is coming from your water tank, drain some hot water out of the tank. If rust appears in the water after a few buckets, it confirms the problem is within the tank. This is an indication that it’s the right time to invest in a new Water Heater Wheaton IL. Furthermore, water leaks would soon occur once the rust corrodes through the steel.

Water Heater Noises. Another common indicator of a declining water heater is strange noises coming out of the tank. As heaters age, noises will get increasingly louder as the units heats water. In residences that consume a lot of hot water, the issue is usually more noticeable. Noises from a water heater is typically because of the following:

Need a New Heater? Call Armbrust Plumbing & Heating Solutions

-Sediment Accumulation. As aging water heaters continually do their job, sediment forms over time on the tank’s bottom. Gradually the sediment gets harder and thicker, causing wear and tear to the water heater. Water heaters with too much sediment consume increasing amounts of energy. The more time a tank needs to heat water can accelerate the risk of crack formation.

Noises from a water heater as a result of sediment accumulation is frequently a sign that leaks will soon begin.

To remedy this risk, our service techs can flush your water heater on a yearly basis. This routine maintenance serves to drains away sediment in the tank. As a result, it’s then able to function with greater efficiency. With an annual tank flushing, water heaters are likely to function for their complete lifespan expectancy of about ten years.

In the event a water tank continues to make noises after a flushing, there’s probably another problem with it. However, functioning water heaters should not make noises. Those that keep rumbling even with scheduled flushing are probably about to crack and start leaking. Therefore, replacement is the best option.

For all of your Water Heater Wheaton IL questions, contact Armbrust Plumbing & Heating Solutions today!

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