Tips to Reduce Your Water Bill
Saving money on your water bill also helps to save the environment by conserving a precious natural resource. When you want to save money on your monthly water bill, there are a number of simple actions you can take. Some of the most obvious tips you may have heard about, but have you actually tried them?
Some of these tips may seem counterintuitive, like the fact that it takes less water to run a full load in your dishwasher than it does to hand wash everything. This tip works well only when the dishwasher is full. Also, when you do use your dishwasher, don’t rinse the dishes first; just scrape off the food and leave the rest up to your dishwasher.
Our plumbers in Wheaton, IL, encourage customers to consider following all of these tips in an attempt to make a considerable dent in their monthly water bills:
1. Shorten your shower time by 5 minutes.
2. Install a faucet aerator, which reduces water flow.
3. Keep drinking water in the refrigerator.
4. Make sure leaks are fixed. As a rule it’s good to replace washers in your faucets every few years.
5. Use your garbage disposal as little as possible, as it uses water too.
6. Use cold water in your washing machine.
7. Use a low-flow shower head.
8. Turn the water off when you shave or brush your teeth.
9. Replace the flapper in your toilet every year.
How Much Can You Save on Your Water Bill?
If you follow all of these tips you may be able to save as much as $250 a year or more. Our plumbers in Wheaton, IL, suggest you may also want to consider talking to your utility company about getting a smaller water meter, which is included in the size and price of your service. If the size of your “service” is reduced, so are your meter charges and your water bill. We’re here to help.
Talk to our trusted team at Armbrust Plumbing Inc., leading plumbers in Wheaton, IL, about the utility savings you can achieve in a short time. We serve customers in Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Carol Stream, St. Charles, and throughout DuPage County. Call us at 630.547.7500 and remember you can count on us for 24/7 emergency service.